Please introduce yourself to your neighbors.
Hey there! I’m Dominic Howarth. Long-time reader, first-time interviewee.
How many years have you lived in Lealman?
I have lived in Lealman my entire life! My family moved to the area from New Jersey right before I was born, and now I own a house here just a hop, skip, and a jump (across 54th Avenue, so you gotta hop quick) away from my parents.
What organizations are you involved in?
I am a member of the Lealman CRA Advisory Committee as of this year and am wishing to get even more involved with hyper-local politics as I learn the ins and outs of city planning and so on.
What gets you out of bed every day?
Everything. I am intensely fortunate to have a fun job (managing a bookstore/wine bar downtown called Book + Bottle), a wonderfully supportive family, and a huge network of friends to keep me grounded and enlightened.
What is one thing you’ve seen change for the better in Lealman in the last few years?
Seeing the Habitat for Humanity homes be built right down the road from me filled my heart with so much hope for the future. We are beginning to see more and more affordable housing be prioritized in Lealman and that has me really excited.
What’s next for you?
Learning more! Volunteering more! Meeting more fellow Lealmanites! I wish to really settle into my role on the CRA board and make connections with as many neighbors as I can.