Please introduce yourself to your neighbors.
My name is Laura Simkanich.
How many years have you lived in Lealman?
I was born and raised in St. Petersburg, Florida. I attended Lealman Elementary, junior high, and North East High School. My husband and I reside in Lealman, and we raised our daughters here. My parents built their home here, and I lived there until I married in 1978. They resided in that house till they passed in 2010.
What organizations are you involved in?
I’ve been serving the Lealman area since 2010. Ray Neri asked me to be on the Lealman Community association board in 2010 when my mom passed away, as he was ready to ask her to be on the board. Both of my parents were active with LCA for many years. I’ve been assisting the Lealman fire dept and PAL since 2010. My husband and I started volunteering with the Florida Dream Center in 2015. I am also a part of the newly formed Lealman engagement event committee.
What gets you out of bed every day?
I’m blessed to be healthy and able to help those in need. I also have two grandsons that live locally and we are active in their lives.
What is one thing you’ve seen change for the better in Lealman in the last few years?
I have seen a lot of changes in St Petersburg, especially the Lealman area. More lights, sidewalks, more new homes. Mobile home parks were cleaned up and removed for better housing. More low-income housing. More services for the low-income, cleaner alleys, and parks for residents to enjoy.
What’s next for you?
Staying active. Enjoying family and friends. Volunteering. Working with local groups to make a difference in Lealman and getting more events in Lealman for residents to enjoy.