Join Pinellas County for a world cafe where we will talk about trees and their role in our communities!
Pinellas County is embarking on the development of their first-ever Urban Forestry Master Plan for unincorporated and they are seeking YOUR input to help guide this plan. Urban trees play a critical role in our daily lives and the County wants to ensure they are managed in a resilient and sustainable manner. It’s very important to the County to get your input about trees in our public spaces so they can better understand the benefits and challenges about urban trees.
What is a world cafe?
We will create a comfortable environment where you will feel encouraged to talk to fellow participants at roundtables about trees! Different tables will have different questions. You will get a chance to hear from your community members on their thoughts while also expressing your own. You will rotate around to different tables with different questions where your thoughts will be documented. Following the forum, all of the input provided will be summarized and provided to the County to identify common themes that will help guide their Urban Forestry Master Plan.
Who can participate?
Anyone who lives in unincorporated areas of Pinellas County. Unsure? Check out this map.
This is a unique opportunity for you to share your feedback!
Refreshments will be provided. We want to hear from you. Don’t delay and register today!