Please introduce yourself to your neighbors.
My name is Nick Caruso.
How many years have you lived in Lealman?
I was born and raised in Lealman, 1972 through 1993. I currently live in Pinellas Park.
What organizations are you involved in?
I’m currently not involved in any organizations.
What gets you out of bed every day?
Trying to make the next day better than the last and fulfilled.
What is one thing you’ve seen change for the better in Lealman in the last few years?
The best changes I’ve seen are what is now the PAL building used to be a City storage yard that just didn’t do and there was a trailer park behind it that’s gone now. It was a bad place at one time and the Bert Smith dealership used to be Oldsmobile now it’s BMW and Porsche high-end class for a better clientele.
What’s next for you?
My next obstacle is trying to do something to serve and help people. I was once a Road Ranger on the nearby interstate.