Please introduce yourself to your neighbors.  

Hi – My name is Tanya Kurtin. I live in West Lealman.

How many years have you lived in Lealman?

I have lived in Lealman for 7 years.

What organizations are you involved in? 

Neighborhood Crime Watch, A member of VFW -United States Auxiliary

What gets you out of bed every day? 

Being blessed to live in a free nation where there are opportunities for creators, innovators, developers. Meeting people who take risks to build a legacy for this generation and the next one.

What is one thing you’ve seen change for the better in Lealman in the last few years? 

Seeing Lealman becoming recognized as a Community with Unity. For ex. The Christmas tree lighting event, and July 4th fireworks, what great traditions to start a gathering of Lealmanites… also during hurricanes- we have the Lealman Exchange as a shelter to meet the needs of those evacuated.

What’s next for you?

Continue living and working to help fulfill the vision of bringing Lealman to its utmost potential as a leading influence in Pinellas County.

Facility Rental

Which space at LEX are you interested in renting?
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Time of Event
Open to the public?
Nonprofit Organization
Are you affiliated with Pinellas County?