Please introduce yourself to your neighbors.
Hi – My name is Tanya Kurtin. I live in West Lealman.
How many years have you lived in Lealman?
I have lived in Lealman for 7 years.
What organizations are you involved in?
Neighborhood Crime Watch, A member of VFW -United States Auxiliary
What gets you out of bed every day?
Being blessed to live in a free nation where there are opportunities for creators, innovators, developers. Meeting people who take risks to build a legacy for this generation and the next one.
What is one thing you’ve seen change for the better in Lealman in the last few years?
Seeing Lealman becoming recognized as a Community with Unity. For ex. The Christmas tree lighting event, and July 4th fireworks, what great traditions to start a gathering of Lealmanites… also during hurricanes- we have the Lealman Exchange as a shelter to meet the needs of those evacuated.
What’s next for you?
Continue living and working to help fulfill the vision of bringing Lealman to its utmost potential as a leading influence in Pinellas County.