Zelda O’Connell

Please introduce yourself to your neighbors.

My name is Zelda O’Connell, I am the Chief Operating Officer of the Florida Dream Center, Executive Director of the Lealman Community District Services, and a committee member for the newly formed Lealman Engagement Committee.

How many years have you lived in Lealman?  

I have been serving in Lealman since 2015.

What organizations are you involved in? 

Florida Dream Center, Lealman non-profit organization that supports residents into self-sufficiency through various programs. From a mobile food bank to an accredited trade school. Our organization.

What gets you out of bed every day? 

 Life, love, family, and hope.

What is one thing you’ve seen change for the better in Lealman in the last few years? 

Neighbors are helping neighbors, there is a sense of community. When Adopt-a-Block first came to Lealman in November of 2014 neighbors were not talking to each other within many neighborhoods in the area. As community-based outreach and events grew neighbors felt more comfortable supporting one another.

What’s next for you? 

Staying active. Enjoying family and friends. Volunteering. Working with local groups to make a difference in Lealman and getting more events in Lealman for residents to enjoy.

Facility Rental

Which space at LEX are you interested in renting?
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Time of Event
Open to the public?
Nonprofit Organization
Are you affiliated with Pinellas County?
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